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November Plan

Discretionary Funding

Fiscal 2025 Schedule C (PDF)

Fiscal 2025 Section 254 Supporting Detail Book (PDF)

Fiscal 2025 Changes to The Executive Capital Budget Adopted by the Council (PDF)

Transparency Resolutions

Terms & Conditions

FY25 Terms and Conditions (PDF)

Human Resources Administration – Mayor’s Office to End Domestic and Gender-Based Violence, Adopted Plan (XLSX)

Preliminary Budget Reports

February 2024 Economic and Tax Revenue Forecast (PDF)

FY25 Financial Plan Overview (PDF)

Financial Plan Overview Dashboard (PDF)

Preliminary Capital Budget Report Dashboard (PDF)

Administration for Children’s Services (PDF)

Board of Correction (PDF)

Board of Elections (PDF)

City Commission on Human Rights (PDF)

City University of New York (PDF)

Civilian Complaint Review Board (PDF)

Department for the Aging (PDF)

Department of Buildings (PDF)

Department of City Planning (PDF)

Department of Citywide Administrative Services (PDF)

Department of Correction (PDF)

Department of Consumer and Worker Protection (PDF)

Department of Cultural Affairs (PDF)

Department of Design and Construction (PDF)

Department of Education (PDF)

Department of Environmental Protection (PDF)

Department of Finance (PDF)

Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (PDF)

Department of Homeless Services (PDF)

Department of Housing Preservation and Development (PDF)

Department of Information, Technology and Telecommunications (PDF)

Department of Investigation (PDF)

Department of Parks and Recreation (PDF)

Department of Probation (PDF)

Department of Records and Information Services (PDF)

Department of Sanitation (PDF)

Department of Small Business Services (PDF)

Department of Transportation (PDF)

Department of Veteran Services (PDF)

Department of Youth and Community Development (PDF)

District Attorneys/Special Narcotics Prosecutor (PDF)

Economic Development Corporation (PDF)

Equal Employment Practices Commission (PDF)

Fire Department of New York (PDF)

Human Resources Administration (PDF)

Law Department (PDF)

Landmarks Preservation Commission (PDF)

Libraries (PDF)

Mayor’s Office of Contract Services (PDF)

Metropolitan Transportation Authority (PDF)

New York City Emergency Management (PDF)

New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation (PDF)

New York City Housing Authority (PDF)

New York Police Department (PDF)

Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings (PDF)

Office of Immigrant Affairs (PDF)

Office of the Chief Medical Examiner (PDF)

School Construction Authority (PDF)

Taxi and Limousine Commission (PDF)

Executive Budget Hearing Reports

Fiscal 2025 – Executive Capital Budget (PDF)

Fiscal 2025 – Financial Plan Overview (PDF)

Fiscal 2025 – Revenue Plan Overview (PDF)

Administration for Children’s Services (PDF)

Board of Correction (PDF)

Board of Elections (PDF)

Campaign Finance Board (PDF)

Civilian Complaint Review Board (PDF)

City University of New York (PDF)

Commission on Human Rights (PDF)

Department for the Aging (PDF)

Department of Buildings (PDF)

Department of Citywide Administrative Services (PDF)

Department of Consumer and Worker Protection (PDF)

Department of Correction (PDF)

Department of Cultural Affairs (PDF)

Department of Design and Construction (PDF)

Department of Education (PDF)

Department of Environmental Protection (PDF)

Department of Finance (PDF)

Department of Health and Mental Hygiene – Mental Hygiene (PDF)

Department of Health and Mental Hygiene – Public Health (PDF)

Department of Homeless Services (PDF)

Department of Oversight and Investigation (PDF)

Department of Parks and Recreation (PDF)

Department of Probation (PDF)

Department of Records and Information Services (PDF)

Department of Small Business Services (PDF)

Department of Transportation (PDF)

Department of Veterans Services (PDF)

Department of Youth and Community Development (PDF)

District Attorneys/Special Narcotics Prosecutor (PDF)

Equal Employment Practices Commission (PDF)

Fire Department of New York (PDF)

Health + Hospitals (PDF)

Housing Preservation and Development (PDF)

Human Resources Administration (PDF)

Law Department (PDF)

Libraries (PDF)

Mayor’s Office of Contract Services (PDF)

Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice (PDF)

Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs (PDF)

New York City Economic Development Corporation (PDF)

New York City Department of Sanitation (PDF)

New York City Housing Authority (PDF)

New York Police Department (PDF)

Office of Administrative Trails and Hearings (PDF)

Office of Technology and Innovation (PDF)

Taxi and Limousine Commission (PDF)

Preliminary Budget Response

Fiscal 2025 Preliminary Budget Response (PDF)

Preliminary Mayor’s Management Report