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Updates to the Site

The City Council homepage has received a few updates recently!

  • “Get Started” navigation – We’ve been watching our analytics and based off that data we’ve made it even easier to get to the parts of our website that have been frequently visited.
  • “Today’s Hearings”

New Legislative Site

We worked with Councilmatic to create a new Legislative site! It allows you to search for hearings, legislation, & sign up for email updates about Council members or meetings! It’s the easiest way to stay up-to-date with the Council!

Explore the Site

This site is in Beta, so if you have a question or general feedback about information you were seeking to find, or explanations of how the New York City Council works, send us an email.


During PBNYC cycle 6 (2016-2017), New Yorkers had the opportunity to vote for their five favorite projects proposed in their Districts. 102,800 New Yorkers voted for their favorite projects across 31 Council Districts, allocating over $40 million in Capital funds for PBNYC Cycle 6 (2016-2017). Cycle 6 saw a 45 percent increase in the number of voters (up from 67,691 voters in Cycle 5).


New City Council Website

Big news! Today we launched the new City Council website. The redesigned website is more user friendly, interactive, and transparent and will help strengthen engagement with diverse New Yorkers.

While the domain remains the same ——, the site adopts the design of the previous experimental site Council Labs, created with the aim of increasing accessibility and transparency about the Council’s work.


Budget Explorer

Let’s face it, the New York City budget is complex. We set out to make the budget a little clearer with a new Budget Explorer for the NYC Expense Budget.

New York City’s Expense Budget determines recurring expenses and contracts, such as teachers in our schools, the electricity at local senior centers, and maintenance of city parks.


As we continue to build our online presence, one challenge we are faced with is learning how to refine our identity and apply it cohesively to all of our work. We developed a brand guide to act as a central location where we house a live inventory of brand guidelines, assets, UI components, code snippets, developer guidelines, and more.


New Videos

We created a new page where all of our videos live! Now you can easily find the most up to date videos created by the Council Labs team.

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