A couple of months ago we posted a demo video of our paperless hearing calendar or “digital bulletin board” in its beta phase. After some adjustments to the UI and updates to the functionality, we’re proud to release the first iteration of the final product!
These monitors are bigger, brighter and better than the previous version on a small personal tablet. We’re running these “digital bulletin boards” on a Dell P2418HT 24-inch monitor powered by a Raspberry Pi to make all the magic happen! The HTML, CSS, and JS code is all on our Github repository to be public viewed. The data is publicly available as well through our Legistar API.
This setup is place by the security desk at City Hall, however we plan to set up two more monitors in the elevator lobbies of the 14th and 16th floor across the street at 250 Broadway. We plan to have them up and running in the next week or two. So if you’re visiting City Hall or attending a hearing at 250 Broadway, take a second to explore the hearings and agenda items through this digital display!
We’d also like to recognize the Council’s Sergeant at Arms Rafael Perez. He came to us with this idea that he’s been trying to get underway for quite some time, and we couldn’t be happier that we were able help him make this a reality!!