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Cyberbullying Panel

Nearly 50% of New York City teens have experienced bullying. On 6/22, Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito teamed up with AT&T, the Tyler Clementi Foundation, and Common Sense Media for the #BehindThatScreen Cyberbullying Summit, which was first announced at the Speaker’s 2017 #StateofNYC address.

Watch the full video of the event

Nearly 50 percent of New York City-area teens have experienced cyberbullying, while 8 in 10 teens know another student that has experienced it. We’ve teamed up with Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito, The New York City Council, MobilizeNY, Tyler Clementi Foundation, Common Sense Media, the NYC Department of Education- to unveil a 15-minute film designed to educate parents and teens on cyberbullying.


Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito kicks of Rapid Response Lab at General Assembly! Learn more about the organizations and agents of change- that are using technology and digital strategies to protect our communities and resist.

Puerto Rican Day Parade

Que bonita bandera!
We are proud to march in National Puerto Rican Day Parade and celebrate Puerto Rican history, heritage, resistance and culture in NYC! Felicidades a todos los Puertorriqueños!

Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito, Committee on Finance Chair Julissa Ferreras-Copeland and Mayor Bill de Blasio reached agreement earlier this month after extensive negotiations and a comprehensive committee review process involving several municipal officials and community stakeholders. The budget totals $85.2 billion to support all New Yorkers.

June 1st marks the first day of Gun Violence Awareness Month. Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito joined youth from Spanish Harlem to march together to take a stand against violence in their community and call for peace! Thank you to all the students, teachers, parents, organizations and schools that marched with us!

Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito celebrated the groundbreaking of Ranaqua Park with New York City Department of Parks & Recreation in the South Bronx this week, where little Serenity shares what she learned about the name Ranaqua.