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District 6

Gale A. Brewer

Hell's Kitchen, Midtown-Times Square, Upper West Side-Lincoln Square, Upper West Side (Central), Central Park

When the State of New York legalized e-bikes and e-scooters in 2020, the condition of the batteries and where they would be charged was not fully considered, nor was how the micromobility devices would impact pedestrian safety. While the NYPD does not track data on micromobility collisions, we know from shared personal experiences and news reports that the danger is significant. In 2023, lithium-ion battery fires killed 18 people in New York City.


I was one of the first Council Members to pass legislation keep dangerous batteries out of New York City. Since then, FDNY and DCWP inspectors have conducted hundreds of inspections at e-bike retailers and repair shops throughout the city. More than 1,000 violations, 46 criminal summonses, and 16 vacate orders were issued in 2023 year alone.

I sponsored or co-sponsored the following bills, which are now law:

  • Local Law 38 of 2023 required the FDNY and Department of Consumer and Worker Protection to develop a public information campaign on the risk of fire posed by powered mobility devices.
  • Local Law 39 of 2023 prohibits the sale, lease, or rental of powered mobility devices and batteries that fail to meet recognized safety standards.
  • Local Law 42 of 2023 prohibits the assembly or reconditioning of a used lithium-ion battery. These “second use” batteries are considered the most dangerous.
  • Local Law 124 of 2023 requires the Department of Transportation to create a searchable map that shows all of the City’s bike lanes with information about obstructions caused by street construction, maintenance, or repairs, and the location of temporary bicycle lanes.
  • Local Law 131 of 2023 established trade-in program for unsafe e-mobility devices and batteries.
  • Local Law 49 of 2024 requires all businesses that sell, rent, or lease e-bikes or e-scooters to post lithium-ion battery safety information materials.
  • Local Law 50 of 2024 increased the penalties for illegal powered mobility device sales, leases, or rentals, imposed record keeping requirements on retailers, and granted enforcement authority to FDNY.

On the State level, I thank Governor Hochul for signing these important bills:

  • S.154-F/A.4938-D: Prohibits sale of lithium-ion batteries that are not up to manufacturing standards.
  • S.8743/A.9338: Directs State agencies to develop and maintain safety resources.
  • S.8742/A.9337: Requires training materials for first responders for incidents involving lithium-ion batteries.
  • S.7503-B/A.1910-B: Requires retailers to provide operating manuals for items with lithium-ion batteries.
  • S.9419/A.7628-A: Requires reports following e-bike or e-scooter accidents resulting in injury or death.
  • S.7703-B/A.8450-B: Requires mopeds to be registered by dealers at point of sale.
  • S.7760-A/A.8102-A: Requires micromobility devices to have red tags on charging cords stating to unplug when not in use.
  • S.7744-D/A.8310-C: Requires retailers to include notice on e-bikes that states to follow traffic laws and yield to pedestrians.


  • I co-sponsored the Reimagining Micromobility Safety in NYC symposium with State Senator Brad Hoylman-Sigal in May 2024 at the Midtown Community Justice Center.
  • I support the Setting Consumer Standards for Lithium-Ion Batteries Act sponsored by Rep. Richie Torres and Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand.
  • I held an Oversight Hearing on the New York City Streets Plan to expand the City’s biking, bus, and pedestrian safety infrastructure.
  • I convened the Upper West Side Micromobilty Taskforce with representatives from NYC E-Vehicle Safety Alliance, Workers Justice Project, CHEKPEDS, Transportation Alternatives, Open Plans, Community Boards 4 and 7, the Upper West Side Coalition, Block Associations, the Mayor’s Office, and other elected officials to discuss how we can work on solutions together. Getting opposing viewpoints to talk together is an accomplishment, and we are working on parking, street design, education and other practical solutions.
  • I distributed safety literature in Spanish, French, and English to micromobility drivers along 8th, 9th, and 10th Avenues with the Workers Justice Project and CHEKPEDS. We focused on advising delivery workers to stay the sidewalks when riding any device, and delivery workers were very receptive.
  • I held workshops at Upper West Side migrant shelters on acclimating to New York City and finding support. Part of the workshops focused on micromobility safety and regulations.
  • I have contacted the NYPD to confiscate illegal mopeds from residential streets.

