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Press Releases

City Hall, NY — Over the last ten days, five elderly Asian women have been attacked in the Lower East Side and downtown Manhattan. Today, the NYPD classified the string of vicious and unprovoked attacks as hate crimes, noting they appear to have been motivated in part by racial prejudice.

They NYPD and the Hate Crimes Task Force (HCTF) have identified and are searching for five suspects, three Black and two Hispanic females between the ages of 13 and 15.


New rule and pilot program strive to ensure placements in safe and appropriate housing

City Hall – City Council Speaker Christine Quinn was joined today in the Red Room of City Hall by Homeless Services Commissioner Robert V. Hess, Public Advocate Bill de Blasio, council members and homeless advocates to announce a rule and a pilot program, developed jointly by the Speaker’s Office and Homeless Services.


Officials emphasize the need for quality health care for the West Side.

Greenwich Village, NY – Speaker Christine C. Quinn joined 1199 SEIU Healthcare workers, Congressman Jerrold Nadler, State Senator Thomas K. Duane, Public Advocate Bill de Blasio, Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer, Comptroller John Liu, Council Member Margaret Chin and community leaders at a rally today at St.


“I was livid to learn that a man in Staten Island, after being verbally harassed by a group of four men when leaving a bar, was assaulted and beaten just steps from his home. We have reason to believe the victim was targeted because of his Mexican background.

The news of this hate crime has troubled me deeply, as it has Council Member Debi Rose, who represents the district where this assault happened.


“The loss of acute care beds at St. Vincent’s Catholic Medical Center is a disappointing setback. However, we remain very optimistic that efforts to preserve urgent primary, HIV/AIDS and other services at St. Vincent’s are making progress at this hour.‬ ‬

“We are hopeful that a significant institution will replace the lost acute care beds with a new urgent care center.


The decision by Mount Sinai’s board to not partner with St. Vincent’s Medical Center is a disappointing setback but by no means the end of our efforts. We will not stop fighting for emergency medical services and other vital health care services on the West Side of Manhattan. For more than one hundred years, St. Vincent’s has been a health care anchor in our community.


Introduces Resolution and Announces Coordinated Effort with Other Urban Cities

CITY HALL – City Council Speaker Christine C. Quinn and Council Members Helen Diane Foster, Lewis Fidler, Robert Jackson and Annabel Palma introduced a resolution this week calling for key improvements to the Child Nutrition Act, which is currently pending reauthorization by Congress. The Child Nutrition Act is the federal legislation that determines school food policy and resources, including the Federal School Lunches and School Breakfast programs.


Bill seeks to directly protect consumers from improper delivery of court filing notifications, known as’ ‘Sewer Service’

City Hall, March 24, 2010 – At today’s Stated Council meeting, the members of the New York City Council will vote on a bill aimed at stopping “sewer service” or improper and inaccurate court filing notifications. In the past year because of the increase in recession-driven debt cases, an overwhelming number of complaints have come from consumers who have not been properly served.


“The recent threats of hate violence against members of Congress across the country and here in New York are vile and are truly disturbing. I call on the rest of the Republican leadership to stand up and condemn these attacks. The root of these threats is like poisonous venom that will continue to spread unless we continue our efforts to combat hate violence and other violence.