By: Gus Saltonstall, May 01, 2022
“It’s a huge number of vacancies,” said Upper West Side Council Member Gale Brewer. “When I walk around, I see the vacancies and know we have a lot of work to do.”
For many years, Brewer was one of the elected officials pushing to create a database that would track the vacant storefronts throughout New York City.
The database went live in 2021, but Brewer told Patch that she’s not happy with how it has been unrolled…
Brewer said an effort was underway to improve the tracker, but that it is a “very slow process…”
Brewer also said that she was about to start working with Upper West Side Save Our Stores and the Jewish Community Center (JCC) with funding provided by the Manhattan Chamber of Commerce to tackle the vacancy issue on a wider scale, but did not specify exactly what the work would be…”