New York, New York (August 15, 2024) – Today, New York City Council Member Jennifer Gutiérrez introduced new legislation, Intro 1001-2024, to create an automated text messaging system called NYC TXT4KIDS (New York City Texts For Kids’ Information and Development Support) that would allow parents and legal guardians of children to sign up to receive texts regarding developmental milestones such as enrollment deadlines for public school and early childhood education programs or information on medical checkups and vaccinations.

New York City has a communication problem, from missed deadlines to a lack of clarity on where to find information and resources. Every day, we hear from parents who missed crucial deadlines for everything from universal child care to middle school enrollment. Not all parents have access to email, and even when they do, those notices can often get lost. Text alerts are an affordable, proven and effective communication tool. 

“New York City’s parents deserve clear and timely information delivered through the most effective technology available. This automated text messaging system is an obvious solution that our city should have been utilizing widely already,” said Council Member Jennifer Gutiérrez, Chair of the Tech Committee. “If this bill became a reality, we would ensure that every parent, regardless of their access to email or other resources, stays informed and empowered. This legislation is about closing the communication and outreach gap and making sure no parent or child is left behind.”

This bill is a crucial step in the right direction regarding connecting parents to all the resources New York City has to offer for children and youths.
