Today marks the beginning of religious observances throughout the month of April across all faiths – Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. As customary, faith leaders would host services in observance of Palm Sunday, Passover, Good Friday, Easter, and Ramadan. Unfortunately, this year will be anything but usual as all public gatherings and religious services are banned in an effort to stop the spread of the deadly coronavirus (COVID-19).
In observance of Holy Week, which begins today on Palm Sunday, millions of Christians will commemorate the final moments of Jesus Christ on Earth.
From a hero’s welcome on Palm Sunday to his crucifixion on Good Friday, Christ never lost sight of His divine purpose, which Christians hold close – sacrificing His life so that we would have eternal life.
This exchange was an unparalleled gesture of unconditional love between God the Father, His son, and the world.
To Christians, Resurrection Sunday is a public declaration of victory over death as good will always prevail against evil.
In the current state of our world, as we battle a pandemic, let us use this Palm Sunday as a time to reflect on lessons Jesus left behind facing tough times by preserving love, compassion, and resilience in our hearts while leading a life of faith and service to all mankind.
I wish all who observe a blessed Holy Week.