Eighteen years later, we

The heroes and survivors, the hurt and the heartbroken, the rescue
and recovery, the healing and the suffering.

We will never forget the terrorist attacks that shattered a
peaceful morning, devastating more than 3,000 families on that day and over the
course of two decades.

In the midst of it all, we saw heart from those who sacrificed
their lives to protect others. 

Today, our first responders and their families are still grappling
with long-term, debilitating illnesses in the aftermath of 9/11. In the
face of terrorism, they showed compassion, composure, and courage. Our heroes,
many of whom were the breadwinners, put themselves in harm’s way to rescue
fellow New Yorkers – without hesitation. 

It is a fitting tribute to permanently extend aid to first
responders, survivors, and their families who deserve so much more.

We will never forget the darkest day in our city’s history, but
most importantly we must continue to stand with our heroes – fallen and living-
as well as their families.