Below is a list of letters and other public documents written or signed onto by Council Member Marte, with newest letters appearing first.
A letter to the Departments of Buildings and Transportation requesting appropriate enforcement on the stalled construction site at 65 Franklin, and the return of the adjacent sidewalk and roadway to public use.
A letter sent to stores across District 1 advocating for the acceptance of OTC cards as a valid form of payment at their businesses.
Comments from the Council Member on the Draft Scope of Work for the City of Yes for Housing Opportunity Text Amendment.
A letter expressing support for the Rotary Park plan to renovate the Holland Tunnel Rotary site for the purposes of pedestrian access and climate resiliency.
A joint letter to the Landmarks Preservation Commission and City Planning Commission arguing how the proposed alterations to the public atrium at 60 Wall Street do not meet necessary criteria for zoning approval, signed onto by advocates, experts, and community members.
A letter recommending landmark consideration for several addresses on Washington Street as culturally, and historically significant buildings reminiscent of the area’s multicultural immigrant legacy.
A letter demonstrating the Council Member’s support for an art installation on Washington Street memorializing the history of Syrian and Lebanese immigrants in the surrounding neighborhood.
A letter to the City Planning Commission and the Landmarks Preservation Commission advocating for the landmarking of the public atrium at 60 Wall Street ahead of its slated demolition.
A joint letter demonstrating unanimous elected support for the preservation of Elizabeth Street Garden.
A letter to the Archdiocese requesting that Father O’Connor be retained as pastor of St. Mary’s Church on Grand Street, and that the church remain an independent congregation with ample support for its community services.
A letter to the Departments of Environmental Conservation and Buildings regarding concerns related to the remediation and construction at 111 Washington Street, and requesting a site visit with our office and affected residents of 109 Washington street.
A letter to the owner of Little Italy Residential Apartments demanding clear and consistent information on the impacts to the private courtyard as it relates to the proposed development on the adjacent site.
A letter to the owner of 111 Mott Street demanding that basic needs be met while the building is vacated, including access to belongings, clear communication, and swift repairs.
A joint letter to the Landmarks Preservation Commission urging for the landmark designation of 60 Wall Street and its public atrium.
A letter to the Department of Buildings asking for an official bulletin on the conversion process for Joint Living-Work Quarters for Artists, as committed to in the SoHo-NoHo rezoning process.
A joint statement from local elected officials and New York University committing to building a new school while also preserving the Morton Williams grocery store.
A joint letter from Council Members Marte, Rivera, Bottcher, and Powers in support of the New School faculty strike and the demands of the union.
A letter to Deputy Mayor Joshi expressing the Council Member’s support for the Brooklyn Bridge Manhattan park project, and urging the Mayor to support the project as well.
A letter to the Landmarks Preservation Commission urging the Commission to reject a harmonious relationship application at 60 Wall Street and to prioritize the landmark consideration of the site.
A letter to L+M Development demanding the quick installation of ADA accessible doors at Essex Market to help seniors, children, and people with disabilities more easily access this public market.
A letter to the New York City Department of Design and Construction requesting that the Manhattan Borough-Based Jail Neighborhood Advisory Committee be reconvened as soon as possible.
A letter to the Landmarks Preservation Commission expressing support for the landmark designation of two buildings at 134-136 Bowery.
A letter to Comptroller Brad Lander requesting a feasibility study for the relocation of women currently held on Rikers Island to the Manhattan Detention Complex South Tower.
A joint letter to Mayor Adams recommending the Manhattan Detention Complex as a relocation alternative for women currently held on Rikers Island.
A joint letter to the New York City Department of Environmental Protection calling for further protections to mitigate noise and vibration during foundation work.
A joint letter to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation calling for further air quality mitigation at the 250 Water Street Brownfield Cleanup Site, including fully covering the site during remediation work.
A joint letter from 28 Council Members expressing support for State Bills S4937C and A6262A regarding hotel conversion to permanent affordable housing.
A joint letter to the School Construction Authority supporting the New York Harbor School’s request for a fully-sized aquatic training facility and gymnasium.
A joint letter to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation calling for an independent community monitor for the demolition and construction of the Manhattan Borough-Based Jail.
A letter to the Department of City Planning raising a conflict of interest concern regarding the appointment of the independent construction monitor at 265 South Street.
A letter to the Department of Buildings and Office of Environmental Remediation demanding the prioritization of the health and safety of the community over the developer’s 421a deadline.
A statement regarding the Battery Park City Nursery School.
A joint letter to the Department of Buildings calling for retail use in NYU’s 181 Mercer building as originally proposed.
A joint letter to L+M Development and CIM Group calling for an independent monitor for the remediation work at 265 South Street.
A letter to RA Cohen demanding several tenant issues at 151 Norfolk Street be immediately addressed.
A joint letter to L+M Development Partners demanding that several requests from tenants be met regarding the proposed sale of Knickerbocker Village.
A joint letter to NYU calling on the University to meet promises made to the neighboring Morton Williams as part of the NYU Core expansion.
A letter to the City Planning Commission urging them to reject an application at 23-25 Cleveland Place to amend a subdistrict boundary of the Special Little Italy District.
A letter to the Department of Design and Construction demanding additional air monitors be placed throughout the East Side Coastal Resiliency construction site.
A joint letter to Mayor Adams urging him to veto a bill that would drastically increase fines against non-conforming tenants of Joint Live-Work Quarters for Artists.
A joint letter to the Office of Environmental Remediation calling on the office to meet several demands regarding remediation at 265 South Street.