We have a dynamic, multilingual and dedicated team to serve and work with you. For scheduling inquiries, please contact d38scheduling@council.nyc.gov.
Edward Cerna. Chief of Staff. Edward is a career public servant and Sunset Park resident of over 25 years. Edward speaks English and Spanish and you may reach him at ecerna@council.nyc.gov.
Christina Bottego. Deputy Chief of Staff. Christina raises her two daughters in the district and is proud to return to public service after working in the Council 2008-2012. You may reach Christina regarding legislative and budget issues at cbottego@council.nyc.gov.
Rob Aguilar. District Director. Rob is a father of two and Sunset Park resident. Rob is bilingual in English and Spanish and may be reached at raguilar@council.nyc.gov.
Saraí Cuate González. Community Advocate. Saraí speaks Spanish and English and may be reached at sagonzalez@council.nyc.gov.
Win-Sie Tow. Community Advocate. Win-Sie Tow is a native New Yorker and Sunset Park resident. She speaks English, Cantonese and Mandarin and may be reached at wtow@council.nyc.gov.
Jessica Alort. Scheduler. Jessica is a Sunset Park resident and mom of two, who speaks Spanish and French. Please send all scheduling requests to d38scheduling@council.nyc.gov.
Winnie Marion. Communications Director. Winnie is a resident of Bay Ridge and has prior experience in electoral organizing and NY State legislative communications. You may reach out to Winnie at wmarion@council.nyc.gov.
Cate Byrne. 2024 Albert Vann Legislative Fellow. Cate is a recent graduate of Bard’s Center for Environmental Policy, where she received her MS in Climate Science and Policy. She may be reached at cbyrne@council.nyc.gov.
Sara Hernandez. Community Advocate. Sara is a Bensonhurst resident. Sara speaks Spanish and English and may be reached at shernandez@council.nyc.gov
Each one of us is here to serve our constituents first and foremost, regardless of our title. We look forward to seeing you around the district and at the office.