“This is a tremendously sad day for immigrants across the country who will be forced to remain in the shadows. It is now more urgent than ever for Congress to act on comprehensive immigration reform -we can’t wait any longer. I also urge President Obama to cease immigration raids.
“This decision is disheartening and only fuels the hateful rhetoric that has been spewed by those who believe that immigrants are less deserving of a better life for themselves and their families.
“I applaud President Obama for nominating Merrick B. Garland to the Supreme Court. Merrick Garland has an exemplary track record of public service and has served honorably as a Federal Court Judge. Congress must do its job and consider the President’s highly qualified nominee without delay.”
Statement by Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito:
“This is a critical case for the future of our country. At a time when some are proposing mass deportations and building walls, our immigrant communities have been living in fear. More than one year ago, President Obama signed an administrative relief plan which brought millions of undocumented immigrants out of limbo by shielding them from deportation and giving them status.