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Investment also includes approximately $43 million in baseline funding for libraries citywide.

Astoria, Queens – Today, Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito, Majority Leader and Chair of the Cultural Affairs and Council Member Jimmy Van Bramer, Chair of the Subcommittee on Libraries Council Member Andy King, Council Member Costa Constatinides, Dennis Walcott, President and CEO of the Queens Library, Linda E.


NEW YORK – Today, the City Council authorized New York City’s Fiscal Year 2017 Budget. Budget highlights include investment in city youth, support for immigrant communities, and strengthening city reserves.

“With this budget agreement, this City Council has proven once again to be a champion for all New Yorkers in all five boroughs. Whether you are young person who will gain their first paid work experience through the expanded $42 million dollar Summer and Year Round Youth Employment Programs an undocumented New Yorker who will have access to free, comprehensive legal assistance and adult literacy services, or a struggling parent who will have an easier time putting food on the table with help from the Emergency Food Assistance Program, this is a budget for everyone.


NEW YORK – Today, Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito, Finance Committee Chair Julissa Ferreras-Copeland, New York City Council Members and Mayor Bill de Blasio announced an equitable, fiscally responsible, and early budget agreement for Fiscal Year 2017 that invests in the city’s youth, supports immigrants, and uplifts communities across the five boroughs with targeted support and resources for key programs and initiatives.


“The FY 2017 Executive Budget incorporates many of the recommendations and priorities outlined by the Council in our Preliminary Budget Response, including greatly building New York City’s reserves and increasing the City’s capital investments, which will help safeguard our City’s continued financial security.

However, while we commend Mayor de Blasio for investing in Beacon Centers, strengthening support for homeless families and better ensuring that incarcerated New Yorkers are treated with dignity, the Council remains concerned that the Administration’s proposed plan to close the Health and Hospitals operating gap is contingent on substantial State and Federal cooperation which has not yet been assured.


Council Budget Tackles Inequality Through Responsible Budgeting and Builds City’s Reserves While Expanding Services to All New Yorkers

City Hall — New York City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito, Council Finance Chair Julissa Ferreras-Copeland and the New York City Council today released the Council’s Fiscal Year 2017 Preliminary Budget Response. Focused on tackling inequality through responsible budgeting and expanding opportunities to all New Yorkers while also building up the City’s reserves, the Council’s recommendations for the upcoming fiscal year prioritize essential services and include:

• Ensuring Opportunities for New York City’s Youth
• Supporting New York City’s Immigrants
• Budgeting for a More Equitable City
• Building for New York City’s Future
• Safeguarding the City’s Programs and Services through Budget Stability
• Baselining City Priorities
• Expanding and Enhancing Vital City Services
• Tracking the City’s Progress

“The Council’s budget recommendations are the culmination of dozens of comprehensive budget hearings and reflect the needs of all New Yorkers while also planning for our City’s future,” said Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito.


“New York City’s budget is an expression of our values and the City Council is proud to have stood up for hard working New Yorkers the past two budget cycles. There are many things in the preliminary budget which continue to keep New York City on a strong fiscal track, including continuing to keep reserves strong in the event of a downturn.


Budget Will Fund Hiring of 1,297 New NYPD Officers, Support Worker Cooperatives, Strengthen the City’s Commitment to Veterans, Combat Human Trafficking, Extend Library Hours, Expand High School Athletic Programs and Provide Free Breakfast and Lunch to Thousands of City Students

City Hall – Today the City Council voted to adopt a balanced and fiscally responsible Budget for Fiscal Year 2016.


Balanced, Responsible Budget Will Support Worker Cooperatives, Strengthen the City’s Commitment to Veterans, Combat Human Trafficking, Extend Library Hours, Expand High School Athletic Programs and Provide Free Breakfast and Lunch to Thousands of City Students
City Hall – City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito, Finance Committee Chair Julissa Ferreras-Copeland, Council Members and Mayor Bill de Blasio today announced a balanced, early and fiscally responsible Budget Agreement for Fiscal Year 2016 that will make New York a more fair and just City and will uplift New Yorkers in every neighborhood across the five boroughs.


Balanced, Responsible Budget Increases Police Numbers on City Streets and Extends Free Lunch to City Students

City Hall – Today, the City Council today voted to adopt a balanced and fiscally responsible Budget for Fiscal Year 2015 that fulfills the Council and Administration’s vision for a City that helps and uplifts all New Yorkers.

Balancing the City’s finances with forward thinking initiatives to keep New Yorkers safe, healthy and secure, the FY 2015 Budget creates and expands access to vital City services, increases policing on City streets and extends free lunch to all Middle School students, all while ensuring City agencies are empowered to plan ahead for upcoming years.