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Press Releases

Rezoning will create new affordable housing for thousands of New Yorkers

City Hall, December 21, 2009 – At today’s Stated Council meeting, the members of the City Council will vote on important land use legislation to rezone the Western Rail Yards in Western Manhattan and rezone 31 acres of Williamsburg’s Broadway Triangle in Brooklyn. Additionally, the Council will vote on legislation to:

Strengthen the City’s gun laws by increasing penalties for selling a toy gun by 500 percent
Improve local community input on New York City parks by requiring that park conservancies have at least one board member who lives in the Council district the park is located
Improve communication and notification procedures surrounding major transportation projects by requiring the Department of Transportation or other city agencies to notify affected Council Members and Community Boards
Help small businesses by easing licensing requirements for businesses with arcade games
Co-name 70 thoroughfares and public places throughout the City
The Council will also vote to override three mayoral vetoes.


“The report by Governor Paterson’s Task Force on Transforming Juvenile Justice highlights the failures of New York’s Juvenile Justice System. The youth prisons administered by the New York State Office of Children and Family Services house some of our neediest children, many of whom suffer from serious mental health problems, drug or alcohol problems or developmental disabilities. The report makes clear that these facilities are ineffective, do not provide youth with the services that they need, and in some cases youth even suffer at the hands of those charged with protecting them.


“The proposal announced by the Department of Education (DOE) to temporarily move Clinton Artists and Writers Middle School to PS 33 is far from anyone’s first choice.

“On October 21st, Speaker Quinn’s office convened a Relocation Task Force with DOE, elected officials, the Community Education Council, the principal and the Clinton School’s own relocation task force. Our goal was to try to identify a new permanent site that would be ready for occupancy by 2010 or 2011, in order to avoid the disruption caused by a temporary move.


New Space Brings More Affordable Housing to Clinton/Hells Kitchen

City Hall – The City Council today overwhelming passed a Land Use bill to rezone the Western Rail Yards (WRY). The rezoning plan will allow for the preservation of existing and the creation of new affordable housing for the neighborhood, the vast majority of which is permanent. The plan also allows for the development of 16,000 square feet of cultural space for the community and the creation of a new green space.


Today’s Council vote to refer the Western Rail Yard rezoning plan to the City Planning Commission is a major victory for our community. This rezoning reflects years of conversations, outreach and input from community members. Soon, thousands of New Yorkers will have the opportunity for new affordable housing—the vast majority of which is permanent, new cultural spaces, and new green space.


“A pioneer in his work, Dennis deLeon has left a legacy in the LGBT community, the HIV/AIDS community and the Latino community. His work in each community was valiant and he was one of the hardest workers and most committed people I ever had the privilege of working with on any issue.

“He touched countless lives – from his days as a young attorney helping migrant workers in California to his building of the Latino Commission on AIDS into a powerful force in the fight against HIV/AIDS.


First in the Nation Legislation Will Reduce Greenhouse Emissions, Lower Energy Costs, and Create Thousands of Green Jobs, and Establish a City Energy Code
Creating Zoning Strategies and Financial Incentives to Attract and Retain Grocery Stores in Under-Served Areas, Council Also Votes on innovative FRESH program

City Hall, December 9, 2009 – At today’s Stated Council meeting, the members of the City Council will vote on ground-breaking green buildings legislation to improve energy efficiency in existing buildings, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, lower energy costs, create thousands of green jobs, and establish a New York Cide energy code.


– Statement from Council Speaker Christine C. Quinn –

Issuing New Yorkers a parking violation just two or three minutes past the time when alternate side parking goes into effect or a muni-meter stub runs out is simply unfair. These parking rules are not in place for the purpose of generating revenue. They are in place to promote compliance and that is why creating a 5 minute grace period for drivers to move their vehicles is a fair and appropriate action to take.


First Ever Comprehensive Food System Plan will Create Jobs, Improve Health, and Protect Environment

New York, NY – Council Speaker Christine C. Quinn today announced “FoodWorks New York”, a new effort by the City Council to produce the first ever comprehensive plan to use New York City’s food system to create jobs, improve public health and protect the environment.