“Earlier this month, a 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck Ecuador, the largest to hit the nation since last century. Authorities are reporting more than 650 casualties so far, as well as thousands of displaced residents and $2 billion in economic loss.
New York City is home to more than 228,000 Ecuadorian residents who make up a vital part of our diverse community. Therefore, I join my fellow New Yorkers in calling for unity and support around efforts to aid families in the long path to recovery from this devastation.”
Some of the organizations providing relief*:
- CARE is an international organization that works toward eradicating global poverty with a special focus on women and children. They are currently providing food, shelter and clean water assistance with on-the-ground volunteers. Donate here.
- Oxfam is another international organization that is working to provide volunteers, emergency supplies, and clean water in highly-impacted provinces. Donate here.
- The United Nations World Food Programme (UNWFP) has been working in conjunction with the Ecuadorian government to provide food and cash assistance to families in Pedernales, Manta, and Esmeraldas. Find more info and donate here.
- The Red Cross is coordinating efforts internationally and locally via Red Cross Ecuador (Cruz Roja Ecuatoriana). RC sent their first international aid delivery on April 20, 2016 and continues to send supplies and volunteers. Donate directly to RCE here (Spanish only for the time being).
- For those that would like to donate their time, you can help tag and map satellite imagery for relief works right from your personal computer. Tomnod by DigitalGlobe has set up an Ecuador project to help with on-the-ground operations. Though sign-up is required, the process is easy for most computer users to understand.
“A mediados de este mes, un terremoto de 7,8 grados de magnitud golpeó a Ecuador, el más grande sufrido por la nación desde el siglo pasado. Hasta el momento, las autoridades están reportando a más de 650 víctimas, así como miles de residentes desplazados y $ 2 mil millones en pérdidas económicas.
Nueva York es el hogar de más de 228.000 residentes ecuatorianos que son parte vital de nuestra diversa comunidad. Por lo tanto, me uno a todos los neoyorquinos para pedir solidaridad y apoyo en torno a los esfuerzos para ayudar a las familias en el largo camino hacia la recuperación de esta devastación”.
*Information provided by the Council of the City of New York (the “Council”) is made available as a public service, without express or implied warranties of any kind.