May 3, 2022: Queens Pols React to Roe v. Wade Draft Opinion Leak, QNS

Queens Pols Angry Over Draft SCOTUS Opinion, Queens Chronicle

Queens politicians and local advocates for women’s health care and reproductive rights are speaking out against the U.S. Supreme Court’s leaked draft opinion to strike down Roe v. Wade, a landmark 1973 Supreme Court decision that federally guaranteed the constitutional right to abortion services.  Councilwoman Sandra Ung said that the decision by the Supreme Court won’t stop women from having abortions, but it will force them to seek out dangerous and potentially deadly alternatives, which will almost certainly have a greater impact on low-income women of color. “It is time for the United States to make access to a safe and legal abortion the law of the land, not a right left in the hands of nine unelected individuals,” Ung said.