City Council Speaker Corey Johnson assumed the role and office of Acting Public Advocate when the prior Public Advocate, Letitia James, became State Attorney General, on January 1, 2019.
The Public Advocate acts as an ombudsperson for all New Yorkers – a government official who champions the public and ensures government is responsive to their needs.
Pursuant to the City Charter, the Public Advocate, in addition to other duties, shall: monitor the operation of the public information and service complaint programs of city agencies and make proposals to improve such programs; review complaints of systemic problems with city services and programs, and make proposals to improve the city’s response to such complaints; and to take, investigate and otherwise attempt to resolve complaints from individuals concerning city services and other administrative actions of city agencies.
As the Former Acting Public Advocate, Corey Johnson helped New Yorkers with any issues they might be facing and encouraged everyone to submit concerns or complaints via this online form or call the Public Advocate’s office at (212) 669-7250 or visit at 1 Centre Street, 15th Floor North, New York, NY 10007.
For more information on Speaker and Former Acting Public Advocate Corey Johnson, please see his biography.