Today, the U.S. Senate supported equality at the highest level of government, and voted to clear the last hurdle on allowing an up and down vote on Dont Ask, Dont Tell.

This legislation will allow LGBT people to serve openly in the military services. Every military service member deserves our profound thanks for defending our country. We must remember and honor those LGBT service members whose lives were destroyed by this discriminatory policy. Their courage and voices helped to put a face to policy that ruined many lives. We can proudly now say, all men and women have the right to openly serve and protect our country.

There are many people to acknowledge and thank. First, I thank President Obama for making this part of his agenda and for his work in lobbying for the repeal of this policy. As New Yorkers, we are fortunate to be represented in the Senate by two forceful advocates for equality. Senators Chuck Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand have worked hard in Washington D.C. for this repeal. I applaud both Senators for their leadership and determination to fight on behalf of all Americans.

We owe our sincere thanks to the advocates who doggedly pursued the ending of this policy including Servicemembers Legal Defense Network; the Human Rights Campaign; Servicemembers United; the Palm Center; the Center for American Progress; OutServe; the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force.