SUNNYSIDE, Queens – Weeks after Council Speaker Christine C. Quinn and Department of Transportation Commissioner Janette Sadik-Khan examined traffic conditions along Barnett Avenue in Sunnyside to see how the City can make the area safer for pedestrians, work has already been completed on speed bumps that were requested by residents to slow through traffic.

Speaker Quinn originally toured the area in September, during a visit with community leaders. During that visit, residents expressed their longstanding concerns about traffic safety conditions in the area. In early March, Speaker Quinn brought DOT Commissioner Sadik-Khan to the site to determine what the department could do to improve safety in the community.

“Responsible government is about responding to the needs of everyday New Yorkers,” said Speaker Christine C. Quinn. “Neighborhoods all over our City are growing and expanding, and we need to make sure that the infrastructure both keeps pace with population growth and ensures residents’ safety. I want to thank Commissioner Sadik-Khan for her commitment to improving pedestrian safety in Sunnyside.”
