“During these uncertain times, when federal funding levels remain unclear, it is critical that the City adopts a budget that is fair, balanced and forward looking. While we are pleased that the Preliminary Budget put forward by Mayor de Blasio today includes some of the programmatic savings and increase in reserves the Council has long called for, more must be done to find additional, lasting savings across all City agencies.

While the Mayor’s Preliminary Budget increases real programmatic savings, there is room to find additional, lasting savings across all agencies. For instance, we are pleased that the Administration is reevaluating overtime spending. Additionally, we are strongly concerned about funding for the Department of Homeless Services: constant re-estimation of spending raises serious concerns about the Administration’s plan to reduce homelessness numbers.

The Preliminary Budget’s minimal increase in the number of Summer Youth Employment Program slots does not meet the needs of the City’s at-risk youth. We must strive towards innovating programming by collaborating with other agencies and initiatives such as the Cure Violence Program.

The capital budget growth must also be paired with an efficient building plan. The 10-year capital plan has significant growth that must be further explored. To do this, we must look at the Administration’s proposed capital priorities to ensure they are aligned with the Council’s agenda. While we applaud the 1 billion dollar investment to make overdue repairs to NYCHA roofs, we will work with the Administration to ensure these repairs are made in a more timely manner.

We look forward to working with the Administration to improve upon all these areas and ensure our budget meets the needs of New Yorkers.”
