“Trayvon Martin’s killing last month is a horrific tragedy that has yet to be adequately investigated. Trayvon’s family deserves justice, and the country needs to know the full truth of what happened on the night of February 26th as well as in any investigation that followed in the weeks since. We fully support the Department of Justice’s decision to investigate this case. The fact that a known killer has been allowed to walk freely without having to face a single consequence to his murderous actions is outrageous and a blatant slap in the face to Trayvon’s grieving family. George Zimmerman and anyone else found guilty of wrongdoing must be held accountable and punished.

“Questions have been rightfully raised about Florida’s “Stand Your Ground” law; the law as well as its enforcement deserves tough scrutiny. This is a policy that encourages everyday citizens to take up arms against fellow neighbors. With the case in Florida, we’ve seen how this sort of vigilante action can have deadly consequences. The law also raises serious concerns about the use of illegal guns in communities across the nation.

“We feel the deepest sorrow for Trayvon’s family’s loss and want them to know they have our sympathy, prayers and full support. We also express our solidarity with all those who have voiced their shock, dismay and outrage about Trayvon’s murder. While some details about the shooting may remain in question, one simple truth is clear: a black teenager was shot and murdered. He was targeted and became a victim simply because of the color of his skin.

“On the night of his murder, Trayvon was heard crying for help; today, the public outcries call for justice. We must continue in our efforts until there is justice in this case.

“Taking action to show our position, we will be introducing and voting on a resolution at this week’s Stated Council meeting that will condemn this killing, the weaknesses in its investigation and the lack of an arrest. Our resolution will also call for an examination of stand your ground laws nationwide, including their impact on increasing the flow of illegal guns to New York City. The resolution will be sponsored by Council Members Melissa Mark-Viverito, Letitia James, Inez Dickens, Robert Jackson, Fernando Cabrera, Debbie Rose, Jumaane Williams and myself.

“Tragedies such as Trayvon’s death are simply unfathomable. However, when they do occur, we must unite in our efforts to seek justice and prevent these dark moments in history from repeating themselves. We are fully committed to both of these efforts.”
