“At a time when New Yorkers are confronting serious challenges and our economic recovery has lacked equity, it is vital that our budgetary investments match the urgency of the moment. While Governor Hochul’s FY25 Executive Budget includes proposals on mental health, transportation, and sustainability that we look forward to further examining, our children need more support to recover from pandemic-era learning losses, and our schools will require more resources from all levels of government, including the state. Addressing New York’s housing crisis in an equitable way will require a comprehensive approach, and Governor Hochul’s proposals begin an important conversation at the state level where our city desperately needs action. Additional state funding to support services for people seeking asylum is welcome, and increased collaboration to support the long-term health and success of longtime New Yorkers and people seeking asylum alike will be critical. New York City will also need to explore new revenues to preserve essential services and its fiscal health, and this requires Albany to authorize our ability to make decisions about the effectiveness of certain tax breaks and policies. I look forward to working with Governor Hochul’s Administration and the State Legislature to deliver on our shared priorities.”