“The Department of Education has made the right decision to withdraw its proposal to co-locate new Success Academy charter elementary schools within school buildings in Southeast Queens, including Building Q072 in School District 28. The Southeast Queens community united in opposition to the co-location plans, which would have impeded the academic progress of our students.
“Placing an additional charter school in Q072 would have undermined access to the shared facilities, including the gymnasium, cafeteria, bathrooms, and outdoor recreational space, for the existing schools. Two of those schools received federal magnet grants that facilitate their increased enrollment over the next five years, and this co-location would have hindered the schools’ growth and abilities to provide vital programs and resources to students. Students at Catherine & Count Basie Middle School 72, Redwood Middle School, and Public School 993 deserve more access to facilities and support, not less.
“Since serving as Education Chair for Queens Community Board 12 more than a decade ago, I have prioritized the needs of students and families in Southeast Queens, who have faced decades of under-investment. I have historically opposed school co-locations that set school communities back and negatively impact the education of our students, and I emphatically reject this proposal as well. I stand with the MS 72 School Leadership Team, Queens Community Board 12, Community Education Council (CEC) District 28, and the students, parents, and educators in Southeast Queens who all opposed this co-location plan. I am heartened that their voices were heard by the Department of Education, and I urge the City to search for other locations that would not result in negative impacts for our existing schools and their students.”