City Hall, NY – Today, the Council voted ontwo pieces of legislation regarding recent actions taken by the Report and Advisory Board Review Commission (RABRC). Established by a Charter amendment in 2010, RABRC is responsible for reviewing reporting requirements established by local law and assessing their continued usefulness. Under the City’s Charter, RABRC has the power to waive any requirement it deems no longer justified, subject to the Council’s approval. Resolution 120-A would disapprove RABRC’s recent waiver of the 911 Operational Time Analysis Report, produced by the Police Department, and the Annual Youth Services Report, produced by the Department of Youth and Community Development. The resolution would also approve waivers of several other reports that are now outdated or redundant. Introduction 205-A is a clean-up bill that removes language from the Administrative Code and Charter that will be nullified by the passage of the resolution.
“Government efficiency is critical to addressing the biggest challenges confronting our City,” said Speaker Adrienne Adams. “A key component is streamlining the annual data reports that inform elected officials and the public on the efficacy of city services and programs, which are used to hold the administration accountable for their actions. Waiving reports that are outdated, duplicative, or no longer useful enables city government to operate more effectively. However, it is imperative to maintain reporting requirements for 911 response times and youth services programs, both of which are critical to the safety, health, and well-being of our City. I thank Council Member Ung for her leadership in the passage of her first two bills.”
“I am honored and proud today to join Speaker Adams and celebrate the passage of my first two bills since becoming Councilmember,” said Council Member Sandra Ung, prime sponsor of the legislation and chair of the Council’s Committee on Governmental Operations. “Both the public and lawmakers need accurate information to make sure that government is working effectively, and annual reports are a critical way for the public to ensure that we in government are being held accountable. In a year that has seen increasing concerns for public safety and the effects of COVID-19 on our youth, the City Council is today passing a resolution to require the city to continue to provide the Council with annual reports regarding 911 operational times and youth services. This will help ensure that our constituents, good governance groups, and legislators have a full picture when determining the best allocation of resources within government, and I thank my colleagues for supporting the passage of these bills.”
Land Use
The Council also voted on the following:
98-81 Queens Boulevard Rezoning – Trylon LLC, seeks a zoning map amendment from R7-1/C1-2 to R8X/C2-4, and zoning text amendment that would make the rezoning area applicable as a Mandatory Inclusionary Housing (MIH) area, with Options 1 to facilitate a new, 15-story mixed-use development, including approximately 158 housing units and 17,400 square feet for commercial use. The Council will be modifying the proposal to strike MIH option 2, in Council Member Lynn Schulman’s District.
The Council also voted on the following:
Expense Budget Modification – This modification represents proposed movements of approximately $1.85 billion in City tax-levy funds within and among City agencies. It reflects $1.1 billion in new federal funding received since the November Plan and redistributes some of the Program to Eliminate the Gap savings towards new needs.
Revenue Budget Modification –This modification seeks to recognize $1.94 billion in new revenues. These revenues, when combined with $380 million in excess current-year reserves, and $400 million in the prior-year payables, will furnish a total of $2.77 billion to be added to the Budget Stabilization Account to prepay expenses in Fiscal 2023.
Transparency Resolution – This resolution approves the designations and changes in the designation of certain organizations to receive funding in the expense budget.