“The New York Daily News’ latest round of layoffs is a huge loss to New York City. It has a special place in my heart ‒ and the hearts of my Council colleagues ‒ because it shines a light on city government in a way that appeals to all New Yorkers, including those who are impacted by our policies but often shut out of power. The Daily News is the paper of record for the working woman and man. The free press holds politicians and corporate leaders in power accountable, and today is a sad day for transparency and responsibility.
I am devastated by this news, and my heart is with every hardworking staff member of the Daily News who lost their job today, including their City Hall reporter Erin Durkin. The city will not be the same without her coverage of the City Council. This is a huge loss for local journalism and this city. I am also thinking of those who remain at the Daily News and will continue to try and hold truth to power but with significantly less resources.
The Daily News produces some of the best journalists in the business, and I look forward to seeing these editors and reporters who lost their jobs take their talents to outlets fortunate to have them.”