“The Better Care Reconciliation Act of 2017 is not designed to work for all Americans. Instead, it will steal billions of dollars from the poor and middle class to fund giveaways to the wealthiest among us. Developed without public hearings or the input of a bipartisan team of advocates, an all-male panel of Republicans entrusted themselves to act on behalf of millions of Americans whose demoralizing experiences with the healthcare industry they cannot even begin to fathom. The only constituents who stand to benefit from this legislation are those highest earners, whose massive tax cuts will come at a cost of substantial reductions in Medicaid spending – hurting our most vulnerable populations enormously. Everyday Americans will see their medical benefits slashed as their out-of-pocket expenses for deductibles and premiums skyrocket. Moreover, insurance providers will see their subsidies stripped if they continue to cover the costs of abortion services. Reproductive rights and the healthcare industry as a whole are under threat of rollbacks that could negatively affect those who rely on their availability for decades. This bill is disgraceful, period. Our representatives have given us a fatal plan – and now is the time to end it.”
