Speaker Quinn said:

“I am deeply disappointed that New York Senate Republicans voted against a bill to ensure that low-income people living with HIV/AIDS who qualify for rental assistance pay no more than 30 percent of their income on rent. Championed by Senator Tom Duane, this legislation could prevent people with HIV/AIDS and their families from living on the streets. It is unfathomable to me that these elected officials would turn their backs on people who are not only ill, but who are also at high risk for becoming homeless. It also makes no sense that with this vote, Senate Republicans are essentially asking for increased shelter and medical costs, most of which will eventually become the responsibility of taxpayers. This same bill passed in 2009 and 2010 with Republicans’ support. Today, they failed us all.

“I, along with my colleagues at all levels of government, remain committed to combatting homelessness and HIV/AIDS, and I am certainly 100% committed to helping New Yorkers facing both of these issues. These are life and death issues and we take them very seriously, even if other elected officials do not.”

Council Member Palma said:

“I am extremely disappointed that today, the New York State Senate voted against S.4098, a bill that would have prevented those living with HIV or AIDS from having to pay more than 30% of household income towards shelter costs, including rent and utilities. Numerous studies have shown that stable housing is the most important factor in helping these individuals cope with their disease and live long and productive lives. Further, the housing assistance mandated in this bill is a much more cost-effective form of assistance than emergency shelters and other short-term assistance. We as a society should be making investments that keep these individuals in their own homes, but instead, Senate Republicans would rather make these vulnerable individuals suffer as part of an overtly ideological and political fight.”
