Statement by Speaker Christine C. Quinn:
“The court’s decision is deeply disappointing and is a disservice to women. We will not waver in our fight for New York City women and we will immediately appeal today’s ruling.
Today’s decision means that pregnancy service centers can continue deceiving women who seek their services. Equally troubling is that the centers will not be required to keep confidential the information collected from women who visit them.
In issuing this injunction, the court has failed to protect pregnant women in an extremely vulnerable time in their lives. Furthermore, actions that the judge recommended that the city take as an alternative to the law are completely unworkable and would create even more legal problems.
At its core, the law’s purpose is to empower women in need of time-sensitive reproductive health services while protecting their privacy. Among other provisions, the law would have rightly required facilities providing pregnancy-related services to disclose if the facility employs medical staff and would have ensured that clients’ health information be kept confidential. We find today’s ruling wholly unacceptable and will continue to fight for this law.”
Statement by Council Member Jessica Lappin:
“The judge got it wrong. I’m disappointed but not discouraged. We will persevere in our efforts to protect women from these dangerous and deceptive practices and appeal.”