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District 12

Kevin C. Riley

Williamsbridge-Olinville, Bronxwood, Eastchester-Edenwald-Baychester, Wakefield, Allerton-Parkside, Baychester, The Valley, and Co-op City

Kevin Christopher Riley is the New York City Council Member representing the 12th Council District, covering the neighborhoods of Williamsbridge-Olinville, Bronxwood, Eastchester-Edenwald-Baychester, Wakefield, Allerton-Parkside, Baychester, The Valley, and Co-op City.

Council Member Kevin Riley is the Chair of the Subcommittee on Zoning and Franchises and the Co-Chair of the Black, Latino and Asian Caucus, which is the largest caucus in the New York City Council. As Chair, he serves to prioritize creating equal opportunity and access for communities of color within New York City through the legislative, oversight, and budgetary powers of the Council. He has worked to ensure that our infrastructure empowers marginalized communities and addresses the housing crisis with initiatives for affordable housing and homeownership. For nearly the past year, the Council has approved 40 land use applications that will result in over 12,000 projected new housing units, of which over 63 percent are affordable.

Under Council Member Kevin C. Riley’s leadership as Co-Chair of the Black, Latino and Asian Caucus, the caucus has passed the historic FDNY Diversity bill package. Signed into law, the bills aim to address true equity in recruitment and retention of underrepresented groups within the department, as well as requiring the implementation of diversity, inclusion, anti-discrimination and anti-harassment training.