Join Council Member Justin Brannan as he launches PB in District 43!
Submit your Idea via the Online Idea Map HERE!
How would you spend $1 million on your neighborhood? You can start sharing your ideas today. I am pleased to announce that Participatory Budgeting is now available for the first time in Council District 43. The Participatory Budgeting process allows residents like you to be directly involved in how the New York City budget is spent.
With $1 million to allocate toward community projects, residents in my district can submit ideas on what they want to see in the neighborhood, and ultimately vote on the ones that will most improve the community. Participatory Budgeting can fund projects through the city’s capital budget ranging from park upgrades and school improvements, to transportation innovations and more. You can view the guidelines for eligible projects here.
You can get involved now by submitting your ideas and signing up to volunteer to be a delegate who helps review and create project plans. Please add any ideas for projects that would improve District 43 to the Idea Collection Map. I will also be hosting several Neighborhood Assemblies throughout the district in October to further collect your ideas. The times and locations of those events can be found HERE.
I am excited to work with all of you to decide how the city budget is spent in our neighborhood. Once we have collected all of the ideas for improving our district, we will work with volunteer residents — delegates — to assemble a ballot and conduct a vote in spring 2019.
Submit an idea for a project here. You can submit ideas through October. Projects will be voted on in spring 2019.
Sign up to volunteer as a delegate and to hear from your neighbors here.
Contact my office with questions at
I look forward to seeing our map fill up with new ideas.