Council Member Joseph C. Borelli (R-South Shore) is calling on the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey to change the lane configuration to add an additional lane in the direction of peak traffic on the Outerbridge Crossing to accommodate high-volume traffic to and from New Jersey during times of high-demand. Council Member Borelli suggests removing the median and replacing it with a moveable barrier which may be deployed to provide three lanes westbound on Friday PM peak hours, and three lanes eastbound Saturday and Sunday PM.
Borelli is submitting a joint letter to Executive Director Cotton of the Port Authority which has received supporting signatures from every city and state elected official on Staten Island; Council Members Matteo and Rose, Assembly Members Malliotakis, Titone, Cusick, and Castorina, State Senators Lanza and Savino, Congressman Donovan, and Borough President Oddo.
“The traffic issues during peak times on the Outerbridge demand that we examine creative approaches to providing some immediate relief for drivers,” said Council Member Joseph Borelli. “Ultimately, the communities on both sides of the Outerbridge have outgrown it since it was opened in 1928 and we need new infrastructure capable of accommodating today’s volume, but we need to be able to alleviate some of the traffic delays during peak times in the interim.”
View a copy of their letter here.